The First New Moon of 2016: Saturday, January 9th

The FIRST New Moon of 2016 is exact today at 5:31 PM PST in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. A New Moon is the celestial event when both the Sun and Moon meet in the heavens, when the Moon passes over the Sun. The Moon changes signs every 2.5 days, so this is the beginning of a new 28 day Moon cycle. In astrological terms, this alignment is known as a conjunction, or as I like to call it, a cosmic kiss in the sky.
The Sun is your center of self; your vitality, your essence, your spirit. The Moon rules your feelings; our emotions, the Mother and what comforts us. When these two luminaries meet, it is our heart and our feelings coming together, synchronistically aligned to make decisions and manifest. A New Moon is the best time to set intentions and plant the seeds for what you’d like to grow in the next month ahead. In the earthy, powerful sign of Capricorn, now is the perfect time to align your goals with changes needed to be made in your immediate reality in order to manifest your dreams to life.
Today is the perfect time to nurture your ambitious nature. Capricorn energy is focused and deliberate, and with this New Moon, our consciousness (Sun) and instinctual nature (Moon) more easily align to drive us closer to accomplishing tasks that will bring fulfillment and propel us toward our goals. Today our awareness and emotions have help from the planet Pluto, which is conjunct the Sun/Moon combination within a three degree orb. Pluto is ruled by Scorpio and is the planet of transformation and personal power. It helps us break through and break free of old paradigms and whatever is holding us back. This is the reason why Pluto rules the death and rebirth cycle. It brings the death of what is no longer serving us to make room for the creation and birth of something new. Pluto will help us define our goals today, because with Mercury in Retrograde, you may be questioning the details and in which way to go or where you’re headed. Call on the energy of Pluto today to be the authority of your own personal power. Anything created now has the ability to sustain. Pluto conjunct both the Sun and Moon will help clear out the darkest remnants of the past to help overcome challenges and the most perplexing obstacles.
This New Moon energy is also triggering the prevailing Uranus/Pluto square we have been experiencing since 2012. Uranus is ruled by Aquarius and brings electrically charged energy toward revelations and revolutionary change. A breakdown needs to occur so we can finally reach a breakthrough in our collective consciousness. We must release today, as light from the heavens is shining down on us to push us forward toward personal healing and renewal. There is a powerful force of energy toward either growth or destruction, and it is up to us to decide. Channel this energy for your greatest good, as it can either be a day of personal empowerment or power struggles within yourself and with those around you.
During each New Moon phase, I love to perform what I call my “Moon Ceremonies” and time them as closely as I can to the moment the conjunction is exact in the sky. I find comfort in clearing my personal space with sage, collecting all my crystals and casting them in a circle. I light candles, visualize my intentions, and say prayers and meditate in the sacred space I create in my home. I find it both empowering and rejuvenating, and for me, it’s the perfect way to clear my energy field, define my goals and put forth positive energy into the Universe for the month ahead.
Sending so much love and positive energy out to you all and wishing you many New Moon blessings on this beautifully powerful day. May your intentions be clear, your mind be focused and your heart be pure. Believe in your vision, it can and will manifest